Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Failure to Market & Advertise Your Business

Is like going to the gym and watching people work out.
Successful businesses workout they don't watch businesses workout.

Happy Ending Story.....

Do you forsee a happy ending with your business? 
Its a great motivation to be a part of a business plan that has a vision of a happy ending.
To know you are apart of something that has real meaning. 
So often we hang on long after we should have moved on.
Life is short...head in the direction of a happy ending. 

As one door closes another opens. 

Friday, November 6, 2009

The New Deal

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror." -President Franklin D Roosevelt.

Businesses make such rash decisions when it comes to economics and the fear of financial decline. It is widely known that Roosevelt, "Saved capitalism in just eight days". He was forward thinking, aggressive and not afraid to take chances. His predecessor Herbert Hoover was much more conservative and his approach drove the United States economy into The Great Depression and a unemployment rate of 25%. What kind of business owner are you? Roosevelt on the other hand, was more liberal and took forward thinking to a new level. Roosevelt’s leadership empowered the US economy throughout the rest of the 20th century.

Jump forward to modern times. History is our greatest teacher. So often, business owners become too conservative when the economy tightens its belt like it has recently. In a lot of ways, our banking institutions repeated similar mistakes as those that transpired during the 1920's. Corporate decisions are currently effecting each mans financial security just like they did nearly a century ago.

The moral of my story is to be forward thinking. Don't follow the herd. Go out and get customers and market your business. Make good advertising decisions and grab market share. Don't be frozen by fear and unjustified terror. Wake up each day and work harder than you expected to that day. Put in that extra effort. Make sure your customers are happy and being taken care of.
It is also possible that somewhere out there, one of your competitors is working harder than you to get customers. If as a business owner you end each day earlier and with less effort than the day before you are only hindering your own success. Be the business owner that works the hardest and markets their business efficiently.
Never forget that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Importance of Call Tracking

In our opinion, call tracking is a key component of any successful advertising campaign whether large or small.  Too often, small business owners have no idea where their leads are coming from and what their return on investment is regarding advertising budget.  Implementing call tracking numbers is the first step in solidifying the direction your marketing is heading.  Most companies are too cheap to invest $100 dollars or less a month on call tracking software or systems that will manage your media usage.  We are proud to offer this service and to help people to gain a even larger return on their investment of advertising dollars. 

In the end, it will allow you to dump what isn't and hasn't worked for a long time and allow you to fine tune and grow in directions that are working or in totally new direction that you were never able to tap into.

iLocal also offers a customer service program that will help you to go back through your marketing history and contact customers and use time tested information to gather data from your customers.  This also is a great public relations product that shows your customers that you are concerned about your product and employee interaction with your consumer.  Call tracking is a huge part of the service we offer for all of our clients.  Its up to the business owner in the end to see the obvious benefit of this type of service.